Juanita Darling
6 min readMay 20, 2024

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“See yonder, lo, the Galaxyë
Which men clepeth the Milky Wey,
For hit is whyt, c. A.D. 1374–85.”
— Geoffrey Chaucer, The House of Fame

Hebrew אֶת (et) means “I” or “You,” and it is often used as a preposition to introduce a direct object.

In Chemistry, Et (et) with no periods is an abbreviation for ethyl.

E.T. or ET (e.t., et) with or without periods also means Eastern Time, electrical transcription, or ephemeris time; a table, book, set of tables, or data files giving the precise calculated positions of a celestial object at regular intervals throughout a period of time. See Also, GPS.

Last, but never the least, E.T. is an informal abbreviation for extraterrestrial. Medieval Latin exterus, extra- (beyond the scope of, out of, outside, outwars, or without) + terrestrial (of or pertaining to terra “earth,” opposed to celestial, from a PIE root *ters- meaning “dry,” “to dry”). As a result, an extraterrestrial is an outside entity, deity, or object originating away from the Earth and its atmosphere; a creature from another planet.


The 8 —3,273.6,000,000,000 Planets



Juanita Darling

Author | Writer | Connoisseur | Philosopheress | Artisan | دور شروكين | Poet | Columnist | Sage | Goddess (Devi) | Blogger/Vlogger | জান | Spiritual Professor